
To seek or hold the office of United States Senator, a person must be at least 30 years of age, a citizen of the United States for 9 years, a Tennessee resident, and to qualify in a primary election, shall have been a citizen of this State for three (3) years, and resident in the county represented one (1) year, immediately preceding the election.

Filing a Petition.

Candidates may obtain a nominating petition from a county election commission office or the office of the Coordinator of Elections starting sixty (60) days before the qualifying deadline. Each page of the petition should be signed by an election official and may not be photocopied. Additional pages may be obtained as necessary.

Voters' Signatures.

The nominating petition must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) voters who are registered anywhere in Tennessee, and the candidate. The signature of the candidate does not count towards the required twenty-five (25) signatures. Each voter who signs the petition must also supply his or her residential address as it appears on his or her voter registration records.

Filing Deadline.

All candidates for U.S. Senate must file their nominating petitions no later than 12:00 NOON on the second Tuesday in March. This includes candidates who want to run in the August primary and candidates who want to be listed as independent in November.

Where to File.

The original petition must be filed with the State Election Commission, and a certified duplicate must be filed with the Coordinator of Elections. Both must be submitted to      

Division of Elections
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, William R. Snodgrass Tower, 7th Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37243

A certified duplicate is a photocopy of the original petition with the words “This is a true copy of the original” signed by the person making the copy along with the copier’s name, title and date. There are no government filing fees. For more information about Republican Party candidate fees, contact the Tennessee Republican Party at 615-269-4260.
For all primary candidates, a second certified duplicate must be filed by the qualifying deadline with the chairperson of the state executive committee of the candidate's party at the appropriate address below. 

Tennessee Republican Party
95 White Bridge Road, Suite 414
Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 269-4260

Tennessee Democratic Party
4900 Centennial Blvd., Suite 300
Nashville, TN  37209
(615) 327-9779

Campaign Contribution and Disclosure Filings.

Candidates should contact the Federal Election Commission at (800) 424-9530 or fec.gov for information regarding campaign contribution and disclosure reports and filing requirements. Their address is 1050 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20463.