December 2, 2022
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Senator John Stevens, Representative Rusty Grills, Representative Chris Hurt and Secretary of State Tre Hargett supported the Obion County Public Library with a $14,505 Training Opportunities for the Public, TOP, Grant to provide solar charging stations for their patrons and a $3,658 Technology Grant.
"These funds will allow our citizens to access a wealth of knowledge and services through our libraries," said Sen. Stevens. "Keeping our libraries technologically up to date gives our citizens the ability to educate themselves and enrich their lives free of charge. These grants are greatly needed and much appreciated."
"The Obion County Public Library is a great asset to our community," said Rep. Grills. "This grant provides a creative way to expand access to essential services to the public, especially during severe weather events and prolonged power outages. We greatly appreciate Sec. Hargett's support for this investment in our libraries but also in emergency-readiness in our community."
"Our public libraries serve a vital role by providing access to valuable resources like technology and educational materials for families, seniors, students and so many others," said Rep. Hurt. "These grants allow our libraries to expand these services to better meet the needs of our citizens. I appreciate the hard work of our local librarians who make it possible. They do a wonderful job and I was pleased to support these investments."
TOP and Technology Grants are administered by the Tennessee State Library & Archives, a division of the Department of State. This year, more than $349,000 in TOP Grant funding is being awarded to 50 public libraries, and $320,000 in Technology Grant funding is being awarded to 83 public libraries across Tennessee.
"Congratulations to the Obion County Public Library for attaining two technology grants for their community," said Secretary Hargett. "This funding will improve the library's ability to provide computer access for their patrons. I appreciate Sen. Stevens, Rep. Grills and Rep. Hurt working to make these grants possible."
TOP grants are supported by the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development. TOP Grants are available for public libraries to provide digital literacy training to the public, hotpots, solar charging stations, increase internet access at the library and for the Digital Navigators pilot project.
Technology Grants are funded by Tennessee state government and the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered through the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Each grant is matched with local funds. Tennessee libraries use Technology Grant funds to purchase or replace computers, software, networking hardware, technology training and other electronic equipment for library staff and patrons.
To learn more about grants for public libraries administered by the Library & Archives, visit