December 8, 2020
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Secretary of State Tre Hargett asks Tennesseans to report solicitations to register to vote or cast an absentee ballot in another state in which they do not reside to the Division of Elections’ toll-free fraud hotline at 1-877-850-4959.
Tennessee residents notified the Secretary of State's Division of Elections that out-of-state organizations solicited them to register to vote and cast an absentee ballot in a state where run-off elections are still pending.
“Voting in a state where you are not entitled to vote is morally and legally wrong,” said Secretary Hargett. “I encourage the citizens of our great state to call our hotline if they receive a solicitation to participate in another state’s election so that we can help preserve the integrity of the vote in other states.”
For election information follow the Secretary of State’s social media channels Twitter: @SecTreHargett, Facebook: Tennessee Secretary of State and Instagram: @tnsecofstate.
To report any possible election fraud, call the Division of Elections’ toll-free hotline at 1-877-850-4959.