Completed application to renew registration.
  • The renewal may be filed online.
  • If the application is not complete, the registration will not be approved. Additionally, applications received after the renewal date shall be assessed a $10.00 late fee for each month or portion thereof that the report is late-filed, pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated § 48-101-506.
  • The form must be signed by two authorized officers, one of whom shall be the Chief Fiscal Officer.
Complete the Summary of Financial Activities
  • When you file the renewal online, the Summary of Financial information for the most recently completed accounting year will be completed within the Renewal Application Form
  • The paper Summary of Financial Activities form can be found on our Charity Forms page. You can complete a paper form if you need to submit financial information for past accounting years. The paper form must be signed by two authorized officers, one of whom shall be the Chief Fiscal Officer.
Attach the IRS form 990, 990EZ, or 990N for the most recently completed accounting year, if the organization is required to file a 990
  • Only submit the public disclosure copy of Form 990 with your filing.
  • IRS form 990's can be found on the IRS website
  • Pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 6104, an organization which is not a private foundation or a section 527 political organization is not required to disclose the name or address of any contributor to the organization. This information is located on Schedule B, and is not required in order to register in the state of Tennessee.

Please note, any registration statements, applications, reports, and all other documents and information required to be filed under this part or by the Secretary of State shall be public records and open to the general public for inspection.

An audited financial statement is required if the organization grossed more than $500,000 in revenue, excluding grants from government agencies and 501(c)(3) private foundations;
A copy of the IRS determination letter granting tax-exempt status or application for tax-exempt status are required, if applicable and not previously filed.
Any amendments to organization’s governing documents are required.
A registration fee, based on the schedule below (Please make check payable to Tennessee Secretary of State.):
Gross Revenue Filing Fee
$0 - $50,000.00 $0.00 *
$50,000.01 - $99,999.99 $10.00
$100,000.00 – $249,999.99
$250,000.00 – $499,999.99
$500,000.00 – above


* An organization that receives less than $50,000 in gross contributions from the public qualifies for an exemption and will not be charged a filing fee