The Tennessee Administrative Web site is a register of filings pursuant to the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act and is an official publication compiled and published electronically by the Secretary of State pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, title 4 Chapter 5.  The web site contains the following: announcements, emergency rules, proposed rules, public necessity rules, rulemaking hearing rules, notices of rulemaking hearing, notices of hearing to solicit comments, and wildlife proclamations.  Emergency rules will be posted within 2 working days; all other filings received by the Secretary of State will be on the web site within 5 working days after acceptance by the Secretary of State.

Announcements include the formula rate of interest and maximum effective rate of interest on home loans as set by the Department of Financial Institutions, a notice of hearing by the Government Operations Committee, and a link to the Health Services and Development Agency for the monthly review cycle.  This section may also include notices of stay of effective dates, notice of withdrawal of rules, petitions for declaratory orders and other statutorily required notices.

Emergency rules are temporary rules promulgated due to an immediate danger to the public health, safety or welfare.  These rules are effective on the date of filing and remain in effect for up to 180 days.  When filed these rules are incorporated in the Rules and Regulations and remain until the expiration date or superseded by another rule.  These rules will be posted to the web site within 2 working days after acceptance by the Secretary of State. The link to emergency rules is

Notices of Public Hearing to Solicit Comments.  Prior to holding the required public hearing for rulemaking, an agency may solicit comments from the public on an undeveloped subject matter of possible rulemaking under active consideration with the agency by causing the secretary of state to publish a notice.  These hearing procedures are in addition to and not a substitution for the requirements for a notice of rulemaking hearing.  When the agency had determined the specifics of the proposal, it must comply with the normal hearing and notice requirements of rulemaking. These notices are found on the notices for rulemaking hearing page at

Proposed rules are promulgated in the absence of a rulemaking hearing.  Unless a rulemaking hearing is requested within 60 days from the first of the month after filing, the rule will become effective in 150 days from the first of the month following the filing.  All proposed rules will be posted within 5 working days after acceptance by the Secretary of State.  The time between acceptance by the Secretary and the date of effectiveness these rules can be found under on the web site        

Rulemaking Hearings are posted to the web site to give official notice for a rulemaking hearing.  Time, date, and location of the hearing and text of rules being heard are included in the notice.  Notices will be posted on the web site with 5 working days after acceptance by the Secretary of State. is the link to rulemaking hearings.

Rulemaking Hearing Rules are promulgated when a rulemaking hearing is held.  These rules become effective 90 days from the date of acceptance by the Secretary of State.  These rules are added to the rules and regulations the date of their effectiveness. During the period of time between acceptance by the Secretary and the date of effectiveness these rules can be found under “pending rules” on the web site at

Wildlife Proclamations contain season, size and bag limits, and areas open to hunting and fishing, and manner and means of taking wildlife within the state of Tennessee as declared by the Tennessee Wildlife and Resource Agency.  They are found on the wildlife proclamation section of the web site at