Acting as a coordinating body, it promotes cooperation and communication between records repositories and information agencies within the state and serves as a state-level review body for proposals identified in the grant program guidelines of the NHPRC. The Board also administers regrant and other special projects for historical records.

The Board seeks to identify, preserve, and provide access to a wide range of historical records which include not only those generated in the public sector which document the activities of state and local government agencies, but also those from the private sector which record the activities of private individuals, families, organizations, and corporations.

The Tennessee State Library and Archives serves as the secretariat of the Tennessee Historical Records Advisory Board and is responsible for its administrative functions.

Members of the 2023-24 THRAB

The THRAB consists of members with both experience and interest in the collection, preservation, management, and use of historical records of Tennessee. Members participate in THRAB-sponsored activities such as planning and training sessions, information gathering, project development, grant proposal review, and conferences or workshops sponsored by the board or other organizations with complementary concerns and interests.

Members are appointed by the governor; staff support is provided by the Tennessee State Library and Archives.

Jami Awalt
Chairman and State Historical Records Coordinator
Assistant State Archivist
Tennessee State Library and Archives
Nashville, TN 37243-0312
Phone: (615) 253-3458

Sara Baxter
Deputy State Historical Records Coordinator
Tennessee State Library & Archives
Nashville, TN  37243-0312
Phone: (615) 741-2083

Aimee Saunders
Director of Preservation and Digitization
Tennessee State Library and Archives
Nashville, TN 37243-0312
Phone: 615-253-6446

E. Patrick McIntyre, Jr.
Executive Director
Tennessee Historical Commission
2941 Lebanon Road
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: (615) 532-1550

James Ritter
State Librarian and Archivist
Tennessee State Library and Archives
Nashville, TN 37243-0312
Phone: (615) 741-3667