May 12, 2015
Tennessee Coordinator of Elections Mark Goins was recently elected to a leadership role on the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) Standards Board.
Goins, a former state representative, represents the Volunteer State on the board’s nine member Executive Board. Goins will serve three two-year terms through the year 2021. He has been Tennessee Coordinator of Elections since 2009.
"Mark does an outstanding job overseeing elections across the state, and I know he will represent Tennessee well on the national level," said Secretary of State Tre Hargett.
The 110 member EAC is an independent group of state and local election officials created by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 to assist states in being HAVA compliant. The EAC also creates voting system guidelines, operates the federal government’s first voting system certification program, maintains the National Voter Registration form as well as many other election related duties.
Goins appointed Davidson County Election Commissioner A.J. Starling to be Tennessee’s other EAC Standards Board representative.
For more information about the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, visit their website website.