Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program for Domestic Violence Victims Establishes Partners in a Majority of Tennessee Counties

Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program

October 9, 2019

Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett is pleased to announce the Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program now has partners in nearly 60 counties in the state. Each of these partners has trained application assistants to guide participants through enrollment.

“As we pause to remember Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we want all survivors to know their safety matters,” Hargett said. “This program plays a critical role in the overall safety plan for victims.”

Secretary Hargett launched Safe at Home only seven months ago. There are active participants in 18 counties across the state.

The Safe at Home program provides approved applicants a substitute address that may be used for all legal purposes, including voter registration, along with additional government services such as a driver’s license and access to assistance programs.

Under current Tennessee law, most state or local government records are considered public and available for public review. These public records include identifying documents like voter registration and other documents and information, making it easy for abusers to track and find their victims.

There is no cost to participate in the program. However, domestic violence victims must complete an application with the assistance of a certified application assistant.

Tennessee is fifth in the country for domestic murders. Shelby County alone reported more than 20,000 instances of domestic violence in 2018. Davidson County ranks second and Rutherford County third for reported cases. Knox and Hamilton counties round out the top five.

Safe at Home is currently partnering with several organizations across the state including: YWCA of Tennessee, Wo/Men's Resource and Rape Assistance Program (WRAP), Metro Office of Family Safety, Center of Hope in Maury County, Genesis House of Cookeville, Family Justice Centers, Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking and End Slavery TN.

In an effort to serve more victims and survivors, partnering agencies are still needed.

For more information about the Safe at Home program, participant eligibility or information regarding how to become a partner agency, visit or call 615-253-3043.