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If you are unsure as to what type of business (i.e. Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Partnership, etc.), you may need to contact an attorney or tax professional, as this office is unable to assist in that determination. For information on types of business entities and tax, treatments consult the IRS, Tennessee Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration or the Business Enterprise Resource Office (BERO) at the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development.
- Corporations*
- Limited Liability Companies (LLC’s)*
- Limited Partnerships (LP’s)*
- Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP’s)*
- General Partnerships+
*All of the above business entities file formation documents.
+Filings by general partnerships are not for the purpose of forming or maintaining a general partnership in Tennessee. Document filing is for the purpose of providing public notice of basic information about a general partnership, such as the agency authority of its partners, and such filings are optional and voluntary.
Program participants may be required to provide their residential street address to a public utility service provider for the purpose of obtaining utility services. However, participants can request that their residential address be treated as confidential by presenting the public service utility with a certificate of program participation.
After doing so, the public utility service provider must treat the residential address and all other identifying information as confidential in accordance with the Tennessee Public Records Act, compiled at Title 10, Chapter 7, Part 5.