This division provides administrative judges to conduct contested case hearings for state administrative agencies and citizens to resolve disputes. The division also develops uniform rules of procedure for the conduct of those hearings. This division is required to assist state agencies in complying with the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act and contracts with local governments to conduct contested case hearings.
This division executes the processing and record-keeping duties of the secretary of state relating to the following: • Apostilles and Authentications • Corporations • General Partnerships • Limited Liability Corporations • Limited Liability Partnerships • Limited Partnerships • Mine Foreman Certificates • Motor Vehicle Temporary Liens Legislative Branch 195Tennessee Blue Book • Trademarks Department of State • Nonresident Fiduciary Appointments • Notary Commissions • Service of Process • State Deeds and Leases • Uniform Commercial Code • Workers’ Compensation Exemption Registrations athlete agents, and fantasy sports
This division is responsible for the registration and regulation of charitable organizations that solicit contributions within the state of Tennessee, as well as professional solicitors that assist charitable organizations in those activities. The division reviews annual gaming event applications determines qualifying applicants for annual gaming events for approval by the General Assembly, and regulates those annual events. The division also regulates catastrophic illness trusts.
The Division of Elections is headed by the Coordinator of Elections, Mark Goins, who oversees the election process in the State of Tennessee. The Coordinator of Elections works directly with ninety-five (95) local county election commissions, candidates and the public on election related issues. Register to Vote * Find Your County Election Commission * Learn about Elections * Download our GoVoteTN App
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This division publishes the Tennessee Blue Book and the Public and Private Acts of the General Assembly. The division also maintains the Tennessee Administrative Register, the compilation of Rules and Regulations of the State of 196Office of the Secretary of State Tennessee Blue Book Tennessee, reports required by the Open Appointments Act, and other filings required by law.
This division serves as the primary records management agency for the state and provides professional consultative and analytical records management leadership to agencies. This support assists with the disposition, retention, and destruction of records.
The Tennessee State Library and Archives collects and preserves books and records of historical, documentary, and reference value and encourages and promotes library development throughout the state. The following is a description of some of the important work of the Library and Archives. Public Services. Makes available collections of the Library and Archives, including official government records and publications, manuscripts, books, periodicals, current and historical newspapers, photographs, maps, and charts. Provides reference services to state government, historians, genealogists, and the general public. Services include bibliographic searching, copies and mail orders, and interlibrary loans. Archival Technical Services. Preserves, arranges, and describes permanent records of the state and private manuscripts relating to Tennessee history for public examination. Archives Development. Provides training and consultation for government officials, historians, archivists, and others interested in establishing records and archive programs. Legislative History and Recording. Provides Tennesseans access to the audio recordings of the proceedings of the General Assembly, including all committees and subcommittees. Library Technical Services. Acquires and processes materials, manages the online catalog, and maintains print collections. Planning and Development. Administers the Tennessee Regional Library System, which includes nine multi-county regional libraries and four single-county metropolitan regions. Staff members provide assistance to regional and local library staff and library boards in library construction, programming for special audiences, continuing education, library management, technology, and library development. Preservation Services. Provides microfilming services to state and local government and the public. Various types of photographic prints, negatives, and duplicate copies of microfilmed records are available to the public. Staff utilize state-of-the-art techniques to restore and preserve valuable books and documents housed in the Library and Archives. The Tennessee Library for Accessible Books and Media. Collaborates with the National Library Service of the Library of Congress to provide free public library services for Tennesseans who are unable to read standard print due to a visual or physical disability. All materials are circulated through the mail, postage-free. The staff provides reader advisory and information referral services by telephone or mail. Catalogs, bibliographies, and bimonthly updates are provided.
The Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program is a statewide address confidentiality program administered by the Office of the Tennessee Secretary of State. It is open to all victims of domestic abuse, stalking, human trafficking, rape, sexual battery, or any other sexual offense who satisfy eligibility and application requirements at no cost. Once a participant has been approved, they are provided with a ‘substitute’ address that can be by them and their children as their official mailing address for all state and local government purposes, including public school or public benefits enrollment, subject only to a few limited exceptions.