Henry County
Henry County was formed in 1821 from Indian lands
(Public Acts of Tennessee 1821, Chapter 32)
The county seat is Paris.
Selected Published County Histories
- Camp Tyson (McFarlin, 2017)
- Doctors of Henry County, Tennessee from 1820-1930 (Henry County Genealogical Society)
- Exploring Henry County, Tennessee (Crutchfield, 1995)
- Henry County History and Families (Henry County Bicentennial Commission, 1996) [surname index]
- Henry County Sesquicentennial, 1823-1973 (Baggett, 1973)*
- Henry County Tennessee Courthouses (Tayloe, 2003?)
- History of Black Families [3 vols] (Tayloe 2004?)
- History of Henry County, Tennessee: Descriptive, Pictorial Reproductions of Old Papers and Manuscripts (Johnson, 1958)*
- History of Henry County, Tennessee, Through 1865 (Van Dyke, 1966)
- History of Tennessee from the Earliest Time to the Present: Together with a Historical and a Biographical Sketch of Carroll, Henry and Benton Counties (Goodspeed, 1978)
- History of the Henry County Commands which Served in the Confederate States Army Including Rosters of the Various Companies Enlisted in Henry County, Tenn. (Rennolds, 1904)*
- Old Homes of Henry County Tennessee [2 vols.] (Tayloe, 2004?)
- Pen Sketches: An Historical Pen Sketch of Henry County, Tennessee (Inman, 1976)* [name index]
- Sisters of Temperance, 1850 (Tayloe, 2003?)
- Women of Distinction [Henry County, Tennessee Ancestor Series] [2 vols.] (Tayloe, 2003)
Additional county and community histories can be found at the Bibliography of Tennessee Local History Sources: Henry County. The items in the bibliography may not all be available at the Tennessee State Library and Archives.
Published Local Records
- 1822-1988 Wills Index, Henry County, Tennessee (McNutt, 1988) [alphabetical by will book volume]
- 1827 Tax List, Henry County, Tennessee (McNutt, 1989) [surname index]
- 1880 Census Henry County, Tennessee (Sistler, 2001)* [alphabetical by head of household]
- 1890 Tax List, Henry County, Tennessee (McNutt, 1988) [alphabetical by district]
- Benton Co., Tennessee, Carroll Co., Tennessee, Henry Co., Tennessee, Houston Co., Tennessee, Stewart Co., Tennessee [1891 enumeration of male voters] (Reed, 1989) [name index for each county]
- Bible Records of Henry County, Tennessee (Sanders, 1988)
- City of Paris and Henry County, Tennessee: Historical, Descriptive, and Biographical (Greene, 1987?)
- Compendium of Henry Co., Tennessee, Cemetery Records (Reed, 1988)* [name index]
- Deed book ... Henry County, Tennessee [1822-1831] [v.1 1822-1826; v. 2 1826-1828; v. 3 1828-1831] (Crupmton, 2000)* [name index in each volume]
- Districts of Henry County Tennessee [1836, 1870] (Tayloe, 2003?)
- Every Name Index to Henry County, Tennessee Circuit Court Records, 1816-1849, i.e. [1818-1849] [index to Henry County County Court Loose Records, Microfilm B-2319] (Dunlap, Chilcutt & Walsh, 2005) [name index]
- Every Name Index to the Henry County, Tennessee Estate Settlements, 1821-1899 [index to Henry County Estates & Settlements, Microfilm B-2308] (Dunlap & Graff, 2005) [name index]
- Genealogical Scrapbook of the Weekly Intelligencer, Paris, Tennessee, 1866-1881 (Smith, 2004) [surname index]
- Henry Co. Tennessee Newspaper Gleanings, 1887-1893 (Robbins, 19??)* [surname index]
- Henry Co. Tennessee Newspaper Gleanings, 1893-1903 (Robbins, 1985?)* [surname index]
- Henry County, Tennessee, 1836 Tax List & Civil Districts (Douthat, 1993) [name index]
- Henry County, Tennessee, Black Funeral Home Records, 1912-2002 (W.G. Rhea Public Library, 2003)* [alphabetical]
- Henry County, Tennessee, Census of 1850 (Gossum & Simmons, 1994)* [surname index]
- Henry County, Tennessee Court Minutes Book C, 1832-1836 [2 vols.] (WPA, 1941)
- Henry County, Tennessee Index to Deeds, Grantor no. 1, 1822-83 (WPA, 1940) [grouped by first letter of grantor's surname]
- Henry County, Tennessee Marriages [vol. 1 1838-1852; vol. 2 1853-1867; vol. 3 1868-1880] (Inman, 1974-)* [each volume -- alphabetical by groom with bride index]
- Henry County, Tennessee Minute Book A, 1824-1825 (WPA, 1936) [name index]
- Henry County, Tennessee Tax Book 1827-1835 [2 vols.] (WPA, 1942)
- Henry County, Tennessee Tombstone Records (WPA, 1937) [name index]
- Henry County, Tennessee Will Abstracts and Indexes, 1822-1902 (Forrest, 2019) [name index]
- Henry County, Tennessee, Wills [vol. 1 1822-1830; vol. 2 1830-1835; vol. 3 1835-1838; vol. 4 1837-1841; vol. 5 1830-1843; vol. 6 1841-1845; vol. 7 1844-1846] (Simmons & Willis, 1995)* [surname indexes in vols. 1-5; name indexes in vols. 6-7]
- Henry County, Tennessee Wills 1822-1830 (Simmons & Willis, 1995)* [surname index]
- Henry County, Tennessee Wills and Inventories 1844-56 [3 vols.] (WPA, 1940) [name index in vol. 1]
- History of Old 20th district of Henry Co. Tennessee, Paris Landing, Now the 24th District [family & estate records] (Tayloe, 200?)
- Inscriptions in Stone: Henry County, Tennessee [2 vols.] (Henry County Cemetery Committee, 1989)* [alphabetical for each cemetery; surname index in vol. 2]
- McEvoy Funeral Home Records, 1901-1991, Henry County, Tennessee (1996)* [surname index]
- Minutes of the County Court of Henry County, 1836-1849 [tax lists, marriages] [2 vols.] (WPA, 1942) [name index in vol. 1]
- Minutes of the County Court of Henry County, Book A, 1825-1828 [2 vols.] (WPA, 1941)
- Old 23rd District (Robbins, 1984)*
- Private Acts of Henry County, Tennessee (McIntyre, 1994)
- Record of Marriages, Henry Co., Tenn. [vol. 1 1881-1890; vol. 2 1891-1900] (Robbins & Walker, 1983-) [each volume alphabetical by groom with bride index]
- Sheriffs of Henry County, Tennessee, Volumes 1 & 2 (Henry County Genealogical Society, 2021)
- Slave Account[s] From the Old Records in the Archives [3 vols.] (Tayloe 2004?)
- Tennessee Genealogical Records: Henry County Old Time Stuff [wills 1856-1902, early deeds, "some marriages] (Whitley, 1991) [surname index]
- World War II, A Scrap Book [2 vols.] (Tayloe, 2005)
Local Records on Microfilm
An inventory of microfilmed Henry County records is available on our website. Individual reels of microfilm may also be purchased.
Earliest records include:
- marriages from 1838
- wills from 1833
- deed index from 1822
- chancery court minutes from 1846
- county court minutes from 1824
- circuit court minutes from 1834
- tax books from 1827
The following reels are available on interlibrary loan from the Library and Archives:
- Administrators', Executors' Guardians' Settlements -- 1839-1870 (#44, 1 reel)*
- Deed Index -- 1822-1908 (#108, 1 reel)*
- Marriage Records -- 1838-1882 (#70, 1 reel)*
- Wills -- 1822-1844 (#102, 1 reel)*
- Wills -- 1844-1863 (#103, 1 reel)*
- WPA Records, Henry County (Record Group #107, Roll 35, 1 reel). Roll includes General Index to Deeds [Grantor], Vol. 1 (1822-1883), Minute Book A (1824-1825), Tax Book, pts. 1 & 2 (1827-1835) and Wills & Inventories, pts. 1-3 (1844-1856).*
- WPA Records, Henry County (Record Group #107, Roll 36, 1 reel). Roll includes County Court Minutes, pts. 1 & 2 (1825-1828), County Court Minutes, pts. 1 & 2 (1836-1849), County Court Minute Book C, pts. 1 & 2 (1832-1836) and Tombstone Records (undated).*
Newspapers on Microfilm
Newspapers were published in Lexington, Sardis and Scotts Hill. Scattered early issues are available from 1858, and a complete run begins in 1932. Microfilms are loaned to Tennessee libraries. Individual reels may also be purchased. An Inventory of Newspapers on Microfilm at the Library and Archives is available on our website.
Selected Manuscripts Material
- Blood River Church of Christ Records. Henry County, 1867-1885 (Microfilm Manuscript #281, 1 reel)*
- Daniel Montgomery Papers, 1788-1964 (Microfilm Manuscript #763, 1 reel)*
- First Baptist Church Records. Paris, Henry County, 1833-1983 (Microfilm Manuscript #833, 1 reel)*
- First Baptist Church Records. Paris, Henry County, 1897-1977 (Microfilm Manuscript #839, 1 reel)*
- Henry United Methodist Church Records, Henry (Henry County), Tennessee, 1862-2002 (Microfilm Manuscript #1801, 1 reel)*
- Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Records, 1871-1980 (Microfilm Manuscript #658, 2 reels)*
- North Fork Baptist Church Records. Henry County, 1827-1976 (Microfilm Manuscript #529, 2 reels)*
- Oak Hill Union Church Records. Paris, Henry County, 1885-1976 (Microfilm Manuscript #848, 1 reel)*
- Obion Association of Old School Baptists Records. Henry County, 1823-1957 (Microfilm Manuscript #279, 2 reels)*
- Papers of Hugh W. and John H. Dunlap, 1824-1905
- Thompson Creek Baptist Church Records. Weakley and Henry Counties, 1831-1982 (Microfilm Manuscript #732, 1 reel)*
- Walnut Fork Primitive Baptist Church Records. Cottage Grove, 1821-1960 (Microfilm Manuscript #280, 1 reel)*
- Walnut Fork Primitive Baptist Church Records. Henry County, 1821-1956 (Microfilm Manuscript #769, 1 reel)*
- West Tennessee Funeral Home Records: Benton, Carroll, Gibson, Henry, and Weakley Counties (Microfilm Manuscript #1786, 86 reels)*
Search for Manuscripts Material in our Catalog
Census Records
- Census on microfilm for Henry County: 1830-1880, 1900-1930
- State-wide census index: 1830-1880
- State-wide census index on microfilm (Soundex): 1880, 1900-1930
- Henry County census records in book form: 1850*, 1880*
Additional Research Aids for Henry County
- County Index to Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications
- Early Tennessee Tax Lists at the Tennessee State Library and Archives
- Funeral Home Records at the Tennessee State Library and Archives
- Index to Tennessee Death Records 1908-1912
- Index to Tennessee Death Records 1914-1933
- School Census Records
- Tennessee World War I Veterans
* Indicates this title may be borrowed on interlibrary loan from the Library and Archives.
Henry County Formation Act
"An Act to form and establish new counties West of Tennessee River."
SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, That a new county to be called and known by the name of Henry County, be, and is hereby established, on the west side of Tennessee River, and shall be bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning on the west bank of Tennessee River, where the north boundary of the state leaves the same, running thence with said boundary west to the second range line in the 12th surveyor's district; thence south to a point, two miles and a half south of the 6th sectional line in said district; thence east parallel with the said sectional line to the west boundary of Humphreys County; thence with said county line northwardly to the Tennessee River; thence down the said river with its various meanders to the beginning.
SECTION 2. BE IT ENACTED, That the following described lines shall be the bounds of two other counties, which may hereafter be established west of Henry County; the first one beginning at the north west corner of Henry County, running west with the state line to a point four miles west of the north west corner of range 2, fractional section 10 in the 13th district; thence south to the fourth sectional line in said district running parallel with the range lines; thence east on the fourth sectional line to the second range line in the 12th surveyors district; thence north with said range line to the beginning. The second, beginning on the north west corner of the last mentioned bounds, and running thence south with the west line of said bounds to the fifth sectional line in the 13th district; thence west with said sectional line to the middle of the Mississippi River; thence up the main channel of said river to the north west corner of the state; thence east with the north boundary line of the state to the beginning; which two last described bounds shall be attached to, and remain a part of Henry County until otherwise provided for by law, and shall enjoy all the privileges, and be subject to all the duties as citizens of Henry County, with this exception, that no tax shall be laid or collected in said bounds for the purpose of erecting public buildings in Henry County.
SECTION 3. BE IT ENACTED, That all the territory included in the lines hereafter mentioned shall constitute a county by the name of Carroll County: Beginning on West boundary of Humphreys at the south east corner of Henry County; running thence west with the south boundary of said county to the south west corner of Henry County; thence south parallel with the range lines to a point two and a half miles south of the line dividing the 9th and 12th districts; thence east parallel with the sectional line to the second range line in the 9th district; thence north to the north east corner of range 2, section 11, in said 9th district; thence east with the district line to the west boundary of Perry County; thence northwardly with the west boundary of Perry and Humphreys counties to the beginning.
SECTION 4. BE IT ENACTED, That the following described lines shall be bounds of two other counties which may hereafter be established west of Carroll County; the first one beginning at the northwest corner of Carroll county, running thence west on the fourth sectional line, to a point four miles west of the second range line in the 13th district; thence north to the fifth sectional line; thence west on said fifth sectional line to the fifth range line; thence south with said range line to a point two and a half miles south of the line separating the 10th and 13th districts; thence east parallel with said line to a point directly south of the south west corner of Carroll County; thence north to the beginning; the second beginning on the north west corner of the last mentioned bounds; thence south on the 5th range line to the district line; thence west on the said district line to the middle of the Mississippi River; thence up the main channel of said river to the 5th sectional line of the 13th district; thence east with said sectional line to the beginning; which two last bounds shall be attached to, and remain a part of Carroll County until otherwise provided for by law, and shall enjoy all the privileges and be subject to all the duties as citizens of Carroll County, with this exception that no tax shall be laid or collected in said bounds for the purpose of erecting public buildings for Carroll County.
SECTION 5. BE IT ENACTED, That all the territory included in the lines hereafter mentioned shall constitute a county to be called and known by the name of Madison county; Beginning two miles and a half south of the north east corner of range 2, section 11, in the 9th district, running thence west parallel with the sectional line to the 3d [sic] range line in the 10th district; thence south on said range line to a point two miles and a half south of the sixth sectional line in said district; thence east parallel with said sectional line to the second range line in the 9th district; thence north on said range line to the beginning.
SECTION 6. BE IT ENACTED, That the following described lines shall be the bounds of two other counties which may hereafter be established west and south of Madison County; the first one beginning on the south west corner of Madison County; running thence north with the west boundary of the same, twenty five miles to the north west corner; thence west to the south west corner of the first county west of Carroll County; thence north to the line dividing the 10th and 13th districts; thence west to a point two miles west of the first range line in the 11th district; thence south parallel with said range line to the 5th sectional line in said district; thence east to a point four miles east of the 5th range line in the 10th district; thence north two and a half miles; thence east to the beginning. The second, beginning on the south west corner of Madison County, running thence west six miles to a point one mile west of the fourth range line in the 10th district; thence south parallel with said line to the south boundary of the state; thence east on said boundary to a point two miles east of the meridian separating the 9th and 10th districts; thence north to Madison County line; thence west with the same to the beginning. Which two last described bounds shall be and remain a part of Madison County until otherwise provided for by law, and shall enjoy all the privileges, and be subject to all the duties as citizens of Madison County, with this exception, that no tax shall be laid or collected in the said bounds for the purpose of erecting public buildings in the county of Madison.
SECTION 7. BE IT ENACTED, That the following described lines shall be the bounds of one other county which may hereafter be laid off west of the said last described bounds: Beginning on the south west corner of the last described bounds, running thence north to the 5th sectional line in the 10th district; thence west to a point one mile west of the 3d [sic] range line in the 11th district; thence south parallel with said range running with the south boundary of the state; thence west with said boundary to the beginning. And that the following described lines shall be the bounds of another county which may hereafter be laid off north of Shelby County: Beginning on the line separating the 11th and 13th districts, at a point two miles west of the range line in the 11th district; running thence west on said dividing line to the middle of the Mississippi River; thence down the main channel of the line to the north west corner of Shelby County; thence east with the north boundary of Shelby County, and the last mentioned bounds, to a point three miles east of the 2d [sic] range line in the 11th district; thence north parallel with the said line to the beginning. Which two last described bounds shall be attached to, and be a part of Shelby County until otherwise provided for by law, and shall enjoy all the privileges, and be subject to all the duties as citizens of Shelby County with the exception, that no tax shall be laid or collected in the said bounds for the purpose of erecting public buildings in the county of Shelby.
SECTION 8. BE IT ENACTED, That the following described lines shall be the bounds of one other county which may hereafter be established west of Hardin County; Beginning at the south west corner of Hardin County; running thence north with the west boundary of the same, twenty seven and a half miles; thence west putting the south east corner of Madison County, to a point three miles west of the first range line in the 9th district; thence south parallel with said range line to the south boundary of the state; thence east on said boundary to the beginning. Which last described bounds shall be attached to, and be a part of Hardin County, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall enjoy all the privileges, and be subject to all the duties as citizens of Hardin County, with this exception, that no tax shall be laid or collected in said bounds for the purpose of erecting public buildings for Hardin County.
SECTION 9. BE IT ENACTED, That the following described line shall be the bounds of one other county, which shall be called and known by the name of Henderson County in honor of, and to perpetuate the memory of Col. James Henderson; Beginning at the south east corner of Madison County, running thence east to the west boundary of Hardin County; thence north with Hardin County line to the north west corner of Hardin on the 6th sectional line of the 9th district; thence east on said sectional line to the west boundary of Perry County; thence north with said boundary to the line separating the 9th and 12th districts; thence west with said line to the north east corner of Madison County; thence south with the east boundary line of said county, on the 2nd range line in the 9th Surveyors district to the beginning.
SECTION 10. BE IT ENACTED, That for the due administration of justice, the Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in said counties shall be held at the following places and times: For the county of Henry, at the house of Henry Wall, on the first Monday in December, March, June and September; for the county of Carroll, on the second Monday in December, March, June and September, at the house of R. E. C. Doherty; for the county of Madison, at the house of Adam R. Alexander, on the third Monday in December, March, June and September; for the county of Henderson, at the house of Samuel Wilson, on the fourth Monday in December, March, June, and September, at which places the said courts shall be holden until otherwise provided for by law, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions, and shall exercise the same power and jurisdiction that is possessed by said courts in other counties of this state.
SECTION 11. BE IT ENACTED, That the sheriffs of the counties of Henry, Carroll, Madison and Henderson shall each hold an election at the places appointed for holding courts in said counties on the first Friday and Saturday in March next, for the purpose of electing held officers of the militia for said counties, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as are pointed out by law in similar cases; and the militia of the county of Henry shall compose the Regiment, and shall be attached to the Brigade; and the militia of the county of Carroll shall compose the ___ Regiment, and be attached as aforesaid; and the militia of the county of Madison shall compose the ___ Regiment, and be attached as aforesaid; and the militia of the county of Henderson shall compose the ___ Regiment, and be attached as aforesaid.
SECTION 12. BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the commandants of said ___ and ___ Regiments, having first been commissioned and sworn according to law, to divide their regiments into such number of companies as they shall think best for the convenience of said companies, and it shall be the duty of each of said commandants to issue writs of election for company officers according to law.
SECTION 13. BE IT ENACTED, That all person who were appointed and are now acting justices of the peace for Stewart county, that live in the bounds of Henry County, be, an they are hereby continued in office with as full power and authority as though they had been appointed for Henry County.
Passed on November 7, 1821
Henry County Bibliography
PLEASE NOTE that the Tennessee State Library and Archives does not hold copies of all of the items listed in this bibliography. Please check the Tennessee State Library and Archives Online Catalog or visit the Ask Us a Question! web page to contact the Library and Archives and verify we have an item in our collection. We will respond to e-mail requests promptly; response time may vary, depending on the amount of research required to answer your question and the unique nature of your request. If you need immediate assistance you may call the reference desk at (615) 741-2764 or visit us in person.
Subjects :
Henry County in General
- Biographical directory, TN General Assembly, 1796-1969 (Henry County, Preliminary #23). Nashville, TSLA, 1971. 58 pp.
- Bonser, Howard J. Costs & returns in growing corn, Henry & Madison counties, TN, 1942. Knoxville, TN Ag. Exp. Sta., 1946. 26 pp. (its Rural research series monograph #209)
- Bonser, Howard J. Economic aspects of cotton production, Henry & Madison counties, TN, 1942. Knoxville, TN Ag. Exp. Sta., 1946. 38 pp. (its Rural research series monograph #208)
- Claxton, Tommy E. A history of the development of the CCAR system (Comprehensive Competency Accounting/Reporting system) for Henry County, TN. Murray State U. thesis, 1980. 99 pp.
- Collins, Robert S. History of Chapel Hill Methodist Church, Henry County, TN, 1822-1960. N.p., 1960. 8 pp.
- Cooper, David & Barbara Baggett. Henry County sesquicentennial, 1823-1973. N.p., 1973. 84 pp.
- Exploring Henry County, TN. Hurst, TX, Curtis Media, 1995. 136 pp.
- Field, Maurice H. A history of E.W. Grove High School, Henry County, TN. UT (Martin) thesis, 1960. 77 pp.
- Flood insurance study: Henry County, TN, unincorporated areas. Washington, D.C., FEMA, 1983. 18 pp.
- Garland, Elizabeth B. The Obion site: an early Mississippian center in western TN. MS State U. thesis, 1993. 220 pp.
- George Peabody College for Teachers. Div. of Surveys & Field Services. Public schools: Paris & Henry County: digest of survey report. Nashville, the division, 1964. 49 pp.
- Goodspeed's history of TN (Henry County, pp. 813-832, 888-935). Goodspeed, 1887.
- Halpert, Herbert. ""Riddles from west TN."" TN Folklore Soc. Bull. 18 (1952), pp. 29-42.
- Henry County memories: a pictorial history of Henry County, TN. Marceline, MO, Heritage House Pub., 1994. 128 pp.
- Henry County, TN: water use survey, TN-Tombigbee corridor study. Memphis, MSU, 1981. 16 pp.
- Henry County, 1980-1987: an economic analysis. Nashville, TN Dept. Emp. Sec., 1988. 12 pp.
- Hertzing, Jon J. The clay mineralogy of the Claiborne formation in Henry County, TN. MSU thesis, 1984. 51 pp.
- Hurdle, Virginia J. ""Folklore of a negro couple in Henry County."+" TN Folklore Soc. Bull. 19 (1953), pp. 71-78.
- Inman, W.O. Pen sketches: an historical pen sketch of Henry County, TN. Paris, Guild Bindery Press, 1976. 88 pp. (first published in the Paris Post- Intelligencer at irregular intervals during the years 1971-1973)
- Jackson, Ewing. "God's country." TN Folklore Soc. Bull. 19 (1953), pp. 58-64.
- Johnson, E. McLeod. A history of Henry County, TN: descriptive, pictorial reproductions of old papers & manuscripts. vol. 1. Paris, n.p., 1958. 284 pp.
- King, Stephen L. History & biographical sketches of the 46th TN Infantry CSA, Henry County, TN. Bowling Green, KY, the author, 1992. 196 pp.
- North Fork Obion River Watershed Dist. Watershed work plan, North Fork Obion River watershed, Henry County, TN. Washington, D.C., US Dept. Ag., 1969. 57 pp.
- Porter, James D. An address delivered at the unveiling of the Henry County Confederate monument: Paris, TN, Saturday, Oct. 13, 1900. Nashville, Marshall & Bruce, 1900. 21 pp.
- Provine, William A. "A diary of the travels of William G. Randle, daguerreotypist, of Henry County, TN, 1852." THM 9 (1925), 195-208.
- Randle, William G. William Greene Randle: diary of his travels, 1852; letters to his wife, Sarah E. Kendall, 1870-1871. Fort Worth, TX, Steve Clements, 1993. 73 pp.
- Rennolds, Edwin H. A history of the Henry County commands which served in the Confederate States Army; including rosters of the various companies enlisted in Henry County, TN. Jacksonville, FL, Sun, 1904. 301 pp. (various reprints available)
- Robbins, Charles D. Henry County, TN, newspaper gleanings, 1887-1893. Paris, the author, 1985. 102 pp.
- Robbins, Charles D. "Old 23rd district", a genealogical & historical sketch of the people who settled the "old 23rd district" of Henry County, TN, & the northern districts of Benton County, TN, including the Lick Creek community. Paris, the author, 1984. 99 pp.
- Seeber, R. Clifford. A manual of public service agencies in Henry [& other] counties. Murray, KY, TVA, 1942. 118 pp.
- Smith, Michael. Henry County, TN, a future built on economic resources. Prepared for the Henry County Industrial Board by the Bureau of Bus. & Ec. Research. Memphis, MSU, 1968. 104 pp.
- Soil survey, Henry County, TN. Washington, D.C., US GPO, 1925, 1941, 1958.
- TN Dept. Transportation [county maps] issued periodically.
- TN Valley Authority. Div. Navigation Dev. & Regional Studies. Renovation & space utilization, Henry County courthouse, Paris, TN. Knoxville, TVA, 1977. 28 pp.
- TN Valley Authority. Ind. Div. Agricultural-industrial survey of Henry County, TN. Knoxville, TVA, 1934. var. pp.
- To the old soldiers of Henry County. N.p., 1904. 8 pp.
- US Geol. Survey [topographic maps] issued periodically. Quadrangles: Lynnville KY, Lynn Grove, Murray, Hamilin, Palmersville, Cottage Grove, Puryear, Buchanan, Paris Landing, Lomo, Osage, Paris, West Sandy, Dike, Poplar Creek, Mackenzie, Henry, Maysfield, Manleyville, Big Sandy, Bruceton, McKinnon.
- Van Dyke, Roger R. "Antebellum Henry County." WTHSP 33 (1979), pp. 48- 80.
- Van Dyke, Roger R. Antebellum Henry County. Paris, Guild Bindery Press, 1987. 100 pp.
- Van Dyke, Roger R. A history of Henry County, through 1865. UT thesis, 1960. 144 pp.
- Wilson, John M. Geohydrology of Henry & Weakley counties, TN. Nashville, TN Div. Water Resources, 1969. 49 pp.
Fort Henry / Fort Donelson
- Bearss, Edwin C. "The fall of Fort Henry, TN." WTHSP 17 (1963), pp. 85-107. (reprinted by Fort Donelson National Military Park, 1963)
- The campaigns for Fort Donelson: a review of the encounter with vignettes of the men who fought & articles on the surrounding action. Conshohocken, PA, Eastern Acorn Press, 1992. 43 pp.
- Confederate States of America. Congress. House of Representatives. Special Committee on the Recent Military Disasters. Report of the Special Committee on the Recent Military Disasters at Forts Henry & Donelson & the evacuation of Nashville. Richmond, VA, Enquirer, 1862. 178 pp.
- Confederate States of America. War Dept. Official reports of battles. Richmond, VA, Enquirer Book & Job Press, 1862. 571 pp.
- Cooling, B. Franklin. Forts Henry & Donelson: the key to the Confederate heartland. Knoxville, UT Press, 1987. 354 pp.
- Cox, Douglas E. Joint operations during the campaign of 1862 on the TN & Cumberland Rivers. Carlisle Barracks, PA, US Army War College, 1989. 35 pp.
- Force, Manning F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. NY, Thomas Yoseloff, 1963. 204 pp.
- Fort Henry & Fort Donelson campaigns, February, 1862: source book. Fort Leavenworth, KS, the General Service Schools Press, 1923. 1488 pp.
- King, George L. Campaign of Fort Henry & Fort Donelson, 1862. Fort Benning, GA, Infantry School., Fourth Section, Committee "H," 1989. 43 pp.
- Flood insurance study: city of Paris, TN, unincorporated areas. Washington, D.C., FEMA, 1983. 18 pp.
- Fox, Susan E. & Margaret L. Morris. Paris, the city beautiful. Paris, n.p., 1934. 28 pp.
- Greene, W.P., ed. The city of Paris & Henry County, TN: historical, descriptive & biographical. Paris, Paris Pub., 1900. 96 pp. (reprinted 1989 by Guild Bindery Press)
- Howard, John R. An anniversary address on female education, delivered in Paris, TN, at the first annual examination of the pupils of Henry Academy, under the management of Mr. Thos. Johnson, on 30th June. Paris, Gates & McCowat, 1837. 15 pp.
- Memorial address on the life & character of Richard W. Dunlap. Paris, Paris Press Book & Job Office, 1898. 23 pp.
- Pictorial souvenir, Paris, TN. Jackson, West TN Pub. Co., 1912. 23 pp.
- Rotary Club, Paris, TN. Rotary, thirty-four years of service in Paris, TN, 1921- 1955. Compiled & edited by Fred Balch & George Wilson. Paris, n.p., 55 pp.
- Statistical & community information, Paris, TN. Prepared by Paris-Henry County Chamber of Commerce & West TN Ind. Assoc. Jackson, the association, 1989.
- TN Valley Authority. Div. of Water Control Planning. Floods on streams in vicinity of Paris, TN. Knoxville, TVA, 1969. 50 pp