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- Appraisal and Disposition of Records
- Archival Containers: Tables of Cubic-Foot Equivalents for Containers, Shelving, and Cabinetry Commonly Found in Archives
- Archival Facilities Classification and Specifications of Structures and Component Spaces
- Archival Shelving and Cabinetry
- Basics of Archives Management
- County Public Records Commissions and Municipal Records: A Handbook of Statutory Provisions, Notes, and TSLA Policies
- Developing Mission Statements and Collecting Policies for Local Archives
- Destroying Temporary Records: A Review of the Records Disposition Authority Process
- Electronic Records Are Not Permanent Archival Records
- Glossary of Archival Language for Archives in Tennessee
- Managing Inactive Records and Archives: Guidelines and Models for Local Governments
- Microfilming Loose Records: Guidelines for Local Archives in Tennessee
- Position Descriptions for County Archivist and County Records Officer
- Processing Loose Records: A Handbook for Local Archives in Tennessee
- Public Inspection, Confidentiality, and Copying Public Records for the Public
- Repossessing Government Records: Tennessee's Replevin Law
- Sketch Plan for a 1500-Square-Foot County Archives
- Sketch Plan for a Mid-Sized County Archives: 50,000-100,000 Population and 10,000-20,000 Cubic Feet of Records
- Vendors of Archival Supplies