How to Request a Subpoena
A subpoena is an order compelling a person to appear to testify or produce documents (called a subpoena duces tecum when requesting documents).
The subpoena form can be found at All Forms for Administrative Hearings. The following blanks on the form should be filled in by the requestor:
For further instructions, please see the Instructions-Subpoena page in All Forms for Administrative Hearings.
If you are unable to download the form, you may request a subpoena form by mail to the following address:
Administrative Procedures Division
Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett
William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 6th Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1102
Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the subpoena form to be returned to you by mail.
After you have finished filling out the form, you should save the form as a PDF.
Then attach the saved file to an email and send to
If you do not have access to email, you may file the subpoena form by mail to the address listed above. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the issued subpoena to be returned to you by mail.
Once APD returns the issued subpoena, the requesting party is responsible for serving the subpoena on the person/entity. The Return on Service in the form must be completed, signed, and dated by the party serving the subpoena, indicating the method of service and any relevant accompanying information depending on the method of delivery.
Once a subpoena has been served and the Return on Service section has been completed, a copy must be filed with APD by email or to the address listed above.