Note: Beginning July 2, 2009, all filings included in the Tennessee Administrative Register will be published and archived according to Public Chapter 566.
The Tennessee Administrative Web Site is a register of filings pursuant to the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act and is an official publication compiled and published electronically by the Secretary of State pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4 Chapter 5. The web site contains the following: announcements, emergency rules, proposed rules, public necessity rules, rulemaking hearing rules, notices of rulemaking hearing, notices of hearing to solicit comments, and wildlife proclamations. Emergency rules will be posted within four (4) days, all other filings received by the Secretary of State will be on the web site within seven (7) days after acceptance by the Secretary of State (T.C.A. § 4-5-220). View glossary of T.A.R. filings.
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