Public library trustees are entrusted with many responsibilities of governing your local public library. Finances, advocacy, policymaking, personnel issues, and ethics are just a snapshot of what local library board members discuss and decide for the betterment of the library.
A comparison of responsibilities between the trustee, library director, regional library, and friends group is helpful to define the role of the trustee.
The Trustee Certification Program is a way for trustees to gain experience and information about the library landscape of Tennessee, pillars of being a library trustee, and proper protocol to be an effective board member. Consisting of ten modules, trustees will watch a video explaining a topic and then take a small quiz afterward.
The Trustee Workshop is an annual all-day event specially crafted to bring trustees together and hear from Regional and State Library & Archives staff about the latest trustee-related news, guidelines, and best practices. This event, usually held in late September or early October, is a great opportunity for networking and discussion with public library trustees all over Tennessee.