Tennessee Libraries ListServ
The TN-Libraries ListServ provides an open forum for discussion of any library related topic.
To subscribe via email send an email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UTK.EDU with no subject and in the email body type: SUBSCRIBE TN-LIBRARIES FirstName LastName
Note: please remove any other wording or signature line information from the body of your email when subscribing. If there is anything other than the above, the subscription will not be successful.
To send a message to the TN-Libraries Listserv, type the following in the To: line tn-libraries@listserv.utk.edu.
Remember, when you send an email to tn-libraries@listserv.utk.edu you are sending the email to everyone who has subscribed to the list.
If you wish to ask a question or make a comment to the entire subscriber list, use the reply key on your email system.
If you wish to reply to an individual, you must type or copy that individual's email address into the "TO:" line.
Stay on topic/subject. Only reply with information about what is typed in the subject line. If you wish to start a new topic/subject, please send a new email to tn-libraries@listserv.utk.edu.
To unsubscribe send an email to TN-LIBRARIES-signoff-request@LISTSERV.UTK.EDU